Change Management ADKAR
What is ADKAR “Change Management”?
ADKAR® describes the required phases that an individual will go through when faced with change
ADKAR® is a foundational tool for understanding “how, why and when” to use different change management tools.
Benefit of implementing ADKAR “Change Management”?
allows leaders and change management teams to focus their activities on what will drive individual change and therefore achieve organizational results.
provides clear goals and outcomes for change management activities.
provides a simple, easy-to-use framework for everyone in the organization to think about change.
Employees, managers and senior leaders alike can all use ADKAR to describe and discuss change together.
Implementation phases but not limited to :
Conduct Gap analysis and evaluate current Situation according to the standard requirements.
Identify needs and expectations of the organization.
Hold Awareness training sessions.
Create management system including, “Policies, Manuals, Processes, Templates, etc.) .
Integrate new system with other active management systems within the organization.
Support in implementation of all standard requirements.
Hold certified Training Course.
Conduct Internal audit and follow up closing Nonconformities.
Prepare for external audit.
Our values in executing the Standard:
Implementation of government directions to enhance the international competitiveness.
Implement international best practices in standard’s field.
Compatibility with the fourth-generation excellence requirements.
Build a management system that helps to achieve, Pioneering locally and globally
Create success stories to participate in Global Awards