Organization excellence
Pivotal Vision provides consultation services in organizational excellence, and cover both federal and local government in UAE according to excellence model 4th generation. In addition to European Excellence model EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) in all categories.
Our service area, but not limited to:
A. Some of the excellence model that we work in:
Sheikh Khalifa governmental Excellence Program “SKGEP”
Dubai Government Excellence Program “DGEP”
Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance “ADEGP”
Ajman Excellence Program “AEP”
Sheikh Saqr Program for Government Excellence “SSPGE”
Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award “SKEA” (UAE private sector).
B. How can we help?
Awareness and Training
Self-Assessment (Rehearsal)
Gap Analysis
Prepare and follow up improvement plans
Manage, Support and Evaluate internal work teams
Identify best practices and outstanding results
Review and improve results
Conduct “Assessment-Rehearsals”, and qualify internal teams prior to external assessment